If you can’t afford travel insurance you can’t afford to travel.

Trees block the highway
There are two main reasons that you may need travel insurance.
The first comes to medical issues that may arise. Say you are in a car accident in the USA. This may set you back $100,000 if you do not have the insurance. If you were riding a motorcycle and don’t usually do that you may not be covered at all as it may be deemed high risk and not covered. When looking for a policy, look for one that pays at least $1 million and preferably unlimited medical insurance.
Say you were in a small third world country with inadequate medical coverage, you may actually want to be airlifted to a first world hospital. For example say you were in a country hospital in Bhutan or Laos. They may not have the capacity to be able to treat you. In this case, you would need to be covered for medical evacuation. When looking for a policy, make sure that it covers medical evacuation if you are travelling to third world countries especially in remote areas where medical treatment is lacking. Again, it should provide at least $1 million and preferably unlimited cover.
The other scenario is for Personal Liability. Given that the laws are different in different parts of the world, do you really want to risk a prison term because you had an accident and are found liable? This is another essential part of your travel insurance. You again need $1 million cover at least.
If you have any travel insurance tips, explain them in this section by pressing reply in the comments section.
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